Marine Studios
A space for writers and creatives overlooking Margate’s iconic beach
Marine Studios is a co-working space for writers and creatives with stunning views over Margate Sands
We offer:
- Affordable desk spaces
- 2 professional meeting rooms
- Hot desks
- A writers’ room and poetry library
- Critique groups, networking and support for local writers
- Regular First Friday events for Margate’s creative community
Join us for your next meeting or workshop; make use of the Writers’ Room or take a desk space with the best views in Margate.
Our Facilities
- Sea views
- Fixed desk spaces, with free tea and coffee and access to 2 meeting rooms
- Free, fast wifi
- Bookable hot desks
- Bookable meeting room for up to 16 people with video conferencing
- Bookable small meeting room for private calls or 2-3 people
- Poetry and community libraries
- Kitchen; with fridge, microwave, dishwasher
- Unisex toilets